News: What’s on until the end of June
Coventry Arts Trail/Warwickshire Open Studios at The Weaver’s House
To keep things simple here’s a brief overview of what’s happening for the rest of June 2018:
The Weavers’ Workshop will be offering drop in sessions as part of the Coventry Arts Trail (itself part of Warwickshire Open Studios) on Thursday 21, Monday 25 and Thursday 28 June from 10am until midday. Try a simple make and take activity, see the members current weaving projects and have a look around the house and garden. There are many more local artists opening homes and studios as part of the trail, so do make sure you find out more.
Also part of Warwickshire Open Studios, the War & Pieced Patchwork Exhibition takes place on Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 June from 11am until 4pm at The Weaver’s House. This is an exhibition of thought-provoking military and civilian patchwork quilts and their social history, from the Mid Victorian period to the 1980s, collected and restored by Jane and Peterson Cobbett.
Warwickshire Open Studios runs at venues across the region,with an incredible 270 artists taking part in 138 venues across Coventry and Warwickshire. To find out more, visit the website and have a good look around!