News: Guilds Together, this October
Our local Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers are an essential part of our Open Days. This October, there’s a chance to see a more in-depth look at the world of these historical crafts:
GUILDS TOGETHER: An exhibition of work by the Guilds of Weavers Spinners and Dyers
On 1 October 2016 the Guilds of Coventry, Birmingham, Cotswolds, Worcester and Stratford are organising an exhibition of work based around the four seasons and Easter. There will also be the opportunity to hear two speakers: Betsan Corkhill, who will be talking about the therapeutic benefits of knitting and crafts and Felicity Ford, who will speak about unique design in colour-stranded work. In addition there will sales of craft related items, a book stall and raffle.
All refreshments are included in the £17 entrance fee, tickets are available in advance for collection on the door. The event takes place at Millennium Memorial Hall, Kings Sutton, Banbury, OX17 3PG. For more info please email e-mail tjspritt95@btinternet.com
I understand there is another speaker appearing in Felicity Fords place; can you tell me the name
of this person please. Can you also explain why the website has not been updated to reflect the change as there may be people who specifically wish to hear Felicity speak.