About Us

In Spon Street, one of the most historic streets in Coventry, a terrace of six cottages built in 1455 has been brought back to life. Now known as Black Swan Terrace, these buildings have been homes and workplaces for weavers, farm workers, watchmakers and workers in the cycle and motor industries, they have been used as a pub, shops, and workshops making cars and even an aeroplane.

The Weaver’s House
One of the cottages has been restored to show how it would have looked in 1540. This shows how John Croke, a Coventry narrow-loom weaver and his family would have lived and worked. You can also see a replica of the loom that he would have used.

Medieval Garden
At the back of the Weaver’s House is a medieval garden showing the plants that would have been grown for food, flavouring, medicine and household use.

Open Days
At our open days you can hear talks about the life of John Croke and the history of the buildings. Open Days can include demonstrations of weaving, spinning, embroidery and other activities connected with medieval life. Find out more.

The Weaver’s House is run by volunteers and we always welcome more. You can get involved in gardening, handiwork, showing people round, making tea or dressing up and demonstrating medieval life. Find out more.

Spon End Building Preservation Trust
The Weaver’s House is managed by Spon End Building Preservation Trust (S.E.B.P.T), a board of trustees formed in 2000 by a group of local residents interested in preservation of our local heritage.

Despite completion of the Preservation and restoration of Black Swan Terrace, our work continues, managing the buildings and making sure that there are regular opportunities for the public to view them.

Our priority now is to get the Trust on a firm footing: by continuing to recruit volunteers who can look after The Weaver’s House and open it on a regular basis, and by making sure the whole operation is financially viable.

Continuing funding is needed in order to develop the educational resources within The Weaver’s House, garden and workshop so that future generations of school children and visitors of all ages can continue to enjoy and benefit from this restoration project

Once we have achieved this objective we may look for another restoration project in Spon End or elsewhere in Coventry.